I was doing a Classification process in 3DSurvey last night but was only part of the way through the Classification Step 1 process when a lightning storm moved in and I had to shut down the computer. I saved the project. When I open it now and select the Point Cloud tab, it still shows everything I had selected where I left off (shaded in red) but if I click on "Classification", it clears all my previously selected areas. Using the "Select" button only selects by polygon but doesn’t seem to get me back to the into classification process. Is there a way to get back to Classification Step 1 and continue where I left off without losing my "Classification Step 1" selecting work or do I need to start over?
Hi Steve,

I am sorry to hear that, unfortunately the step 1 needs to be repeated in this case, because classification tool always starts by resetting (clearing) selection first.
No problem.  Thanks Vid.  And thanks for the great software.  3DSurvey is an amazing tool!