
3Dsurvey => General Discussion => Topic started by: giulia.ricci on May 05, 2022, 12:28:31 PM

Title: How to get resutls in GK (Gauß-Krüger)?
Post by: giulia.ricci on May 05, 2022, 12:28:31 PM
I did a flight with my phantom RTK and fixed the GCPs in GK, yet my results did not come in GK.
What would you suggest to get my results in GK?
Title: Re: How to get resutls in GK (Gauß-Krüger)?
Post by: ivan.zan.barbaric on May 05, 2022, 01:35:40 PM
Here is a short workflow for you:
(I copied the steps from the workflow for Belgium, so instead of Belgium coordinate system use your GK instead)

Workflow for setting up the project:
1.) Load in the images and set up the project like this:
2.) Run Exif_Extractor.exe and click on Load RTK from Photos, and then save the TXT file with GK Positions. (No need to select the coordinate system in this step, as the software automatically converts WGS coordinates extracted from images to Gauss Krueger with given transformation parameters and grid shift):
4.) In 3Dsurvey click on Reimport in the telemetry view:
(To get the telemetry window, click on Data/Telemetry and click reimport)
5) Select "Other" as "data type", then click on "Browse" to load in the "Belge 72" coordinates from Convert and set everything up like this. After that click on "Reimport":
This will overwrite the XYZ values for telemetry and move the camera position accordingly. Then just process the project normally.