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Bundle Adjustment / Reprojection error
« Last post by jay.currie on March 17, 2023, 09:27:30 PM »
After bundle adjustment I am getting .65 to .89 reprojection error. This is not acceptable. I'm flying a Mavic 3e. Is anyone else getting this error? I believe it is a drone issue, as they updated the selection process for the main camera and it hasn't worked correctly  since. I've sent in files to 3d survey and they cant find any issue. Right now I have a really nice paper weight of a drone as none of the info is reliable in the least.
Mission planning / Re: How to take control in an emergency during a mission?
« Last post by to.flo on March 08, 2023, 09:14:07 AM »
Hello Marko,
thank you for your fast answer :).
I will try that procedure on my next flight. The cancellation of the mission doesn't matter if i can react immediately.

Workflows / Re: Classification Settings
« Last post by markom.mesaric on March 06, 2023, 11:00:45 AM »

Terrain elevation and terrain slope - these two parameters govern the first step of classification. This is a greedy algorithm. It keeps adding points, after you select the first one, as long as the height difference between first and neighboring point is less then Terrain elevation parameter and angle between first and second point is less then Terrain slope. So in short - increasing these two parameters will increase the size of area that is selected after you click on a point in 1st step of classification.

Then algorithm makes a digital terrain model (regular grid mesh ) out of the selected points. Regular grid mesh cell size and smoothing factor govern this algorithm. Here we would increase the regular grid mesh size, if our area was very big - more then 1km by 1 km.

Then final part of point filtering - for each point in pointcloud algorithm checks it in relation to this digital terrain model. If the point is less then "Smoothing max distance" above the digital terrain model and less then three times "Smoothing max distance" below the digital terrain mode, it gets added to final selection.
Mission planning / Re: How to take control in an emergency during a mission?
« Last post by markom.mesaric on March 06, 2023, 10:14:15 AM »

the fastest way to take control over the drone is to cancel the mission by moving switch from P mode to S and back to P mode. Then you can use your RC sticks to control the drone.
Unfortunately with this procedure you lose the possibility to continue the mission from the last point.

Best, Marko
Workflows / Classification Settings
« Last post by steve.belz on March 04, 2023, 08:42:51 PM »
Is there any documentation on what the new ver 2.16 Classification settings do and/or how they affect the results?  I get good results but would like to better understand the process that goes on.  I'd previously been using Cloud Compare but find that 3Dsurvey's new features to work well to give me bare ground; especially now that I don't have to export the point clouds to Cloud Compare for processing and then import back into 3DS for further processing.  Thanks for adding the new processing features!
Mission planning / How to take control in an emergency during a mission?
« Last post by to.flo on March 03, 2023, 03:44:43 PM »
can anybody tell me, if and how I can take control of my drone in an emergency case during a mission?

I made a test-flight-Mission with my P4P and was wondering what to do in case of emergency e.g. an helicopter or bird is crossing. My P4P didn't react on lowering the height or changing the flight direction.
The only possible thing I could do is abort the mission and RTH. But this takes way too long if I have to react immediately!!!

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Custom Coordinate Systems and RTK Drones
« Last post by jason.owens on February 25, 2023, 12:41:37 PM »
Surveyors often use custom coordinate systems or at least a scaling factor to adjust from grid to ground. We recently purchased the DJI M3E with the D-RTK base. I thought orientating with ground control point and selecting local would take care of this, but getting large vertical errors in validation points. Has anyone else found a solution to this?

I typically go to a project before the surveyors and layout the GCPs where I want them and fly the project. The Surveyor then comes and shoots GCPs and his property corners at the same time. What is the best workflow for RTK drones like the DJI M3E?
General Discussion / Re: UK Geoid (OSGB36)
« Last post by ivan.zan.barbaric on February 21, 2023, 12:19:28 PM »
Sorry for the late reply. Please contact the 3Dsurvey support team at and we will get it for you.
General Discussion / UK Geoid (OSGB36)
« Last post by jason.hinsley on February 13, 2023, 10:08:51 PM »
Is there a geoid model for UK?
We use OSGB36 + ODN Height (EPSG 7405).

Reconstruction / Re: Bounding box
« Last post by markom.mesaric on January 04, 2023, 01:45:31 PM »
Hi Ivan,

You can not use bounding box to define where you want to calculate pointcloud, but you can use select here in Images tab to select which images are used for pointcloud calculation (only selected images will be used)
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